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Who are my clients?

People experiencing change, or who want change but have held back.  Some feel uncomfortable.  Some may know something is out of synch, others may not.  There may be physical symptoms.  There may be unsettled feelings.  Some may be at a loss for deep connection, and not feel like themselves somehow.  They come for integration. Once integrated they can tap into their creativity with ease and enjoy the peace.


What is Energy Alignment? 

It is when the body, mind, emotions, and spirit are integrated.  The qualities of energy that are attended to are alignment, radiance, clarity and balance.  


Why does it work?

A client comes desiring change.   With this desire comes the capacity to change.


What are the mysteries around it?

There is a mystery to most things we have not done before.  I remember watching my brothers biking.  I would sit on my new bike, but I didn’t know how to move forward and balance.  Then my dad came out to help me, and with his holding onto my seat, I pedaled forward.  


For those who cannot yet see or sense the energy field, it seems like a mystery.  Once the energy is aligned, your body will feel like yours.  There is a freedom and a depth you can easily notice the first time.  The experience of being in alignment feels like an old friend - the kind you can “be yourself” around.  


As regards the gifts that came to me, I was at first quite surprised.  No one had used clairaudiance, clairvoyance and clairsentience, and channelling around me yet.  Now, after years of being surrounded by other people with these gifts, the best surprises are the beautiful, open faces of the people who walk out of the office in states of deep peace.


Why is this my calling?

With people feeling so peaceful after a session, it seemed like the world needed more of that peacefulness.  By peace I mean great joy derived from coming into one’s fullness.  People at peace are joyful, gracious, and generous with their gifts.


This is why I haven’t been able to ignore my calling to be generous with my gifts of energy awareness, singing, and teaching.


What is my approach?

My approach is to meet each individual “wherever they are at”, and to listen to where they are wanting to be.  

Each session is individualized and confidential.


What is a session like with you?

You come at your appointed time.  I listen to you and observe you carefully.  You lie clothed on my therapy table.  (It’s ok to sit in a chair, if needed.) You might fall asleep during a session due to deep relaxation.  The session ends when everything is completed.  Some sessions 1-2 hours.


How do we know we’re making progress?

You know you’ve made progress when moving through your days has more ease, more creativity, better communication, deep breath, and deeper relaxation overall - not just on the day of a session.  


This ease creates clarity, cooperation, better listening, groundedness, and attracts better circumstances.  It enhances self-trust, confidence, inner knowing, self-determination, light-heartedness, better concentration and deeper rest during sleep.  Fear and anxiety subside.  Courage and trust in life increase.


My Passions

My passions are being in nature, making and eating beautiful food, listening to and creating music, dancing and laughing with friends and family, and being brought to tears by beauty.


My Personal Style

It is my way to quietly observe for a long time, before acting or speaking.  And, after interacting, to reflect.  

To be in nature without engine sounds and with few or no people is essential.

To enjoy the wonderful texture and tastes of a meal, essential.

To take time to do nothing, essential.

To enjoy listening to well-composed music, essential.

To sing, essential.

To dance, interpret, blend breath and motion and physical power and release, essential.

To be wild, essential.

To enjoy occasional 1-on-1 conversations.

To teach, perchance to learn from the youngers.  To know how they’re coming in, and what they need in order to flourish. 

To speak with elders, to grow in compassion for the journey.

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